We are pleased to announce the launch of our new and improved website! After much hard work and effort to provide greater clarity, we are delighted to officially announce the launch on today (April 5th2019).
Goal of the New Website
At the official launch Eoghan Hayes, Edge co-founder stated: “Our goal with these improvements is to provide our visitors an easier way to learn about Edge’s services and solutions. Additionally, it will allow the visitor to browse information based on their own choice. The new website is interactive and user friendly. As a result, it gives better access to consulting, energy modelling, smart controls, air quality, contact and news web pages. Our current and prospective clients will find useful information about our services on the homepage of our website. The site highlights some of the projects we have completed and outlines the value to our clients as a result. Also, both future and existing clients may request our extensive portfolio directly from the website”.
Michael Driedger, Edge Co-founder & advisor, added: “With the launch of the new website we aim to show people we are more than just a consulting company. We really feel the world of consulting engineering and building services needs a major shake-up. That is one of the messages we are trying to convey with the new site”.
Additional Features and Content
Among the new features, the site contains an integrated social media button for LinkedIn. Resulting in improved communication with clients. Edge will consistently update site content with information, articles, blogs, newsletters, company announcements and client successes. We hope you enjoy the fresh look and the easy-to-access information. Also, we hope to be able to interact with more people (clients, friends, partners, etc.) through this improved platform.
A Thank You from Edge
Thanks to the help of developer Roger Oldham of Fusst and of course a special mention to the amazing staff at Edge who offered their time, energy and creativity to make all these improvements.
If you have questions, suggestions, feedback or comments please email us at info@edgec.ca or contact us via our new contact page ?
Thank you!
Eoghan Hayes and Michael Driedger Co-Founders of Edge Sustainability Consulting